Shayna doesn't teach you to ride the way she rides; she teaches you to use your body and to find your best way of riding. She teaches you to communicate with your horse in a positive, non-aggressive manner; one that strengthens the bond between you and your horse. Shayna prides herself on a more physically and mentally profound approach to training, and she believes that helping riders find their true peak is a Calling.

Because of her pedigree, she is able to train horses all the way up the levels. She prides herself on keeping her horses healthy and sound with regular non-invasive therapy maintaining these athletes at their top game. This is part of the training process. It shouldn't matter where you start, all that matters is heart.

It doesn’t matter where you want to go. What matters is proving to the world, and yourself, that there is greatness within you. Together, we will work to build a strong foundation, attain consistent and sustainable results, and have plenty of fun along the way. Mastery is an incredible feeling. Get in touch, and we’ll walk this trail together.